Blog 3

Hi again everybody! Welcome to mi new blog!

Today I going to talk abut a special topic: Why I choosed architecture like mi career?

But first I want to share you a funny story about my mom and his work in a architecture workshop. My mom was pregnant around 6 moths and the team of the office said “ this boy will be an architects” and my mom just smiled but the special of this story is that she never told me about that until I said that I wanted to study architcture, tan tan tannn :0

My decision is remounted when I was a child, is this moment my dream job was to be an inventor. I mean this people that whit his hand and brain could create awesome gadgets, like tony stark but when discover that this career doesn’t exist, I had many options: engineer, Carpenter, designer, or my final choice architect. And you could ask me why architecture?

First reason I like drawing and make... things whit my hand (clay or origami) so my chose has to be related whit the hands. My second reason was that y rally love playing whit Legos, in fact I have many saved from that time, so until now we have to found some career in which you can use your hands and that is related to the creation of objects of many scales. so all came down to one option, architecture  but if you ask me what was the principal reason I think that was just a hunch or intuition I mean something said me that this will be my future career and here we are now.

When I arrive to the university I was very excited and nervously, how will be my classroom? My teacher? What what would happen if this is not that I want? and many others insecurities but for surprise to me nothing of that happened in fact I have special new friends and I am sure that I take the great way but that does not mean that everything is happiness. the university is very exhausting, and you have to study much more than before, however, you can enjoy it a lot.

In the future I wish could work in my own office and make specials architectural project, travel around the world and learn abut many cultures I mean never stay in the same place.


  1. Hi Ricardo, It's a beautiful story.

  2. hello Ricarlo, That you achieve all your goals!! :)

  3. Wow, a lovely story, i agree that i needed a career where i could use my hands, otherwise i would not feel "complete" hehe <3


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