Blog 6

Hi my watchers!!

How you probably know this semester it’s gonna end, and that’s mean that my subjects it’s end too. For this this reason I want to talk about “subject in my career”.
I have 6 subjects in this semester, (morphology, structure and materialization/ classical architecture culture/ urban sustainability / livability and sustainability principles/workshop level III /English level III), but in the last year I worked with 9 others subject, so in total I have 13 references for this topic. But if you ask me for my present subject's (2020), I could say that my favorite is “morphology, structure and materialization” or just “morpho”, for my classmate. This subject t’s about many topic’s, for example, at the first class we saw construction restrictions, I mean laws and regulations, latter we saw comfort for the peoples and now we are seeing structural calculation and carpentry, so how you can see it’s a variable and interesting subject. But for this special condition of the pandemic, we couldn't see the presential thing , that it’s so sad because for U’s, I mean architecture students, it’s essential have a good interaction whit physical objects and whit the teacher. I hope that this pandemic end soon and we can return to the real university.

thanks for read and I see you in the next blog!

(here are some graphics examples of what we have done)


  1. Hi Ricardo, that subject looks very curious and cool :)

  2. Hello again. Morpho stresses me out a lot, I encourage you with this semester!


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